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Posts tagged ‘community’

Not my typical blog post

I am speechless right now – and frustrated because I don’t have a television at work to follow the news.  The internet is giving me updates about the school shooting in Connecticut, but I wish I could find more timely and accurate information.  My heart goes out to the families there – what a traumatic thing for young children to have to deal with.

I don’t want to get into issues dealing with gun control here – but I just don’t understand why anyone would do this to children.  I’m heartsick – this is senseless killing.  Children should not have to deal with anything like this – we don’t live in a war zone – but it seems with every school shooting our children are exposed to more and more violence that they shouldn’t be exposed to.

I encourage everyone reading this to hug your children right now.  I don’t have any non adult children but I wish I was close enough to pick my grandson up and hug him.  I hope he is never impacted in this way.

Please take a moment to pray for the families involved. Pray for the children who witnessed this senseless violence.  Pray for the teachers and administrators who survived and those who were killed.  Pray for the parents as they try to deal with this. Especially pray for the children who were killed.  Pray for law enforcement as they try to sort all of this out.  Pray for Newtown Connecticut as they deal with this tragedy.

Most importantly, HUG your children – always be sure they know how much you love them.

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