Not just a one day event, I'm blogging every day about what I'm thankful for

Posts tagged ‘gratitude’

Thanksgiving Project – Christmas Wishes

I thought about not publishing a blog on Christmas Day. I knew I would be leaving the house very early to drive several hours to see Andrea and Soren. And then driving back Christmas night. But it has been weighing on me to write this particular blog. I know very few people read the stuff I churn out. And that’s okay with me. I never aspired to be read. I only write to collect my own personal thoughts. I also know I read several blogs anonymously. So I wouldn’t expect anyone to announce they are reading me. But this one is important. If it speaks to you, please leave a comment.

Christmas has become a very commercialized holiday. I’m just as guilty as the next guy. I tend to overspend on gifts. I always have. I like to buy gifts. I delight in finding just the perfect thing. I love watching someone unwrap their presents. Children, especially. As they squeal and their faces light up. So, yes, I’m very guilty of the secular version of Christmas.

But Christmas really is about the birth of our Savior. God sent him as a boy to live among us and then, ultimately, to die on a cross so that we could live with Him for eternity. It’s a story that sometimes we take for granted. I would encourage you to re-read it. It doesn’t take long. Jesus was born just for me…and for you. He is the greatest…and only gift you will ever need.

I certainly am undeserving of everything Hehas done for me. But it wasn’t because anyone was deserving. We are all undeserving of that kind of love and sacrifice.

My biggest wish this Christmas is that every single person I know would find the love and the presence Jesus can bring to your life. The only way you will have eternal life in heaven is through Him. Your life will not magically be without pain or heartache. Your life will simply be worth living. John 16:33 says “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus wants to be your life. Won’t you pray this simple prayer and invite Him into your life. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. Please forgive me of those sins. I believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe that He died and was raised again so that I might have everlasting life. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus. Amen

Today, and every day, I’m thankful for the love of Jesus. I’m thankful I know Him as my personal Savior.


Thanksgiving Project – Thank You

Today has been a hectic day.  Today has been a fun day.  It was a good day of getting to know staff better.  I think I have the best staff people absolutely anywhere.  I can’t always offer them the best pay or the best benefits.  But I certainly can offer them a flexible workplace where they are treated as individuals.  And I get so much in return.  They are hard working, dedicated employees.  And I’m thankful for them.  

Today was our annual Christmas luncheon.  I jokingly told them that I don’t say “thank you” often enough and that I wanted them to know how much I appreciate them….and that I hope that will hold them until next year’s Christmas lunch.  We laughed.

 I don’t say thank you often enough and I’m going to try and be much more diligent about it than I have in the past.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in what we are doing, what is happening at home, what we are having for dinner, etc. that we tend to forget to say it.  So, I am committing to verbalize my thanks and my gratitude to my staff much more often.  And not just for the extra special things they do – but for the ordinary things they do.  Really, the ordinary is what makes everything work.

Won’t you join me in the challenge? Say a heartfelt thanks to someone you work with every single day.  It will make their day…and you will be blessed yourself.Image

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