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Posts tagged ‘drugs’


As you may recall, I said that on Monday I would be updating my weight loss journey. I’m very happy to report that I lost another 2.2 pounds – that is a total of 7.2 pounds in two weeks!

I’m not gonna lie, it hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve stuck with it (mostly). And it paid off. Just so you know, I’m one of those really determined individuals – once I set my mind to something, nothing gets in my way. I honestly think spring/summer will get here eventually, and I plan to have less of me to show off once I shed the layers of clothes!

On another, very sad, note – my town had a missing 3 year old yesterday. It turns out, his body was in a field 12 miles from home. Mom (who is only 21) was arrested, along with her boyfriend and his young 16 year old friend. It sounds like he was in a meth home and got into the meth and it killed him and then the boyfriend and his friend dumped the body in a field. I am absolutely heartbroken. I wish people would wake up and understand that drug use is not good. This was a preventable tragedy and the little boy paid with his life.

Dream Brother: A Novel by Brian Marggraf Review

I probably should let this book sit before I write the review. But I’m going to just go ahead.

I heard about this because it was on sale through someone on Twitter. Figured I would take a chance. It was a fast read. Finished it in basically one sitting.

A psychological tale. I felt like this was a nonfiction memoir type book. Jacob came to life in the pages. His self destructive behavior triggered many events.

This is one of those books that leaves you breathless asking “what the heck just happened?” I gave this three out of five stars. The story line got stuck a couple of places and it could have used another Proofreading. I would recommend this book though.

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