Not just a one day event, I'm blogging every day about what I'm thankful for

Too much of a good thing…is still too much. I’ve been wined and dined the past two days. Not low cal food and too much besides.

I crave my routine as boring as it may be. I know that I gave either a bagel or a bowl of cold cereal for breakfast. I know that I will either have lunch that is work related or grab a quick sandwich and go somewhere and read. I know that I either get a small dinner or just crash. I know I have plenty of time before bed to read.

But these past two days have been the opposite. Buffet breakfast. Snack mid morning and mid afternoon. Not a horrible lunch, but too much food. Way too much for dinner. And dessert. I never eat dessert. Last night was a filet mignon. I passed on the chocolate lava cake though. Tonight was steak with jumbo grilled shrimp and crab cakes. I just don’t eat this much food. It was all delicious though. But I’m still miserable.

I’m thankful I don’t get too much of a good thing at home. I’m content just having popcorn for dinner.

Meeting is over at noon tomorrow. Flight doesn’t leave until 4:30 so plenty of time to sit in the airport and read. I should land in Indiana at 6:30. Then the two hour drive home. Believe me when I say, I will be very thankful to be home. Back to my dull boring routine.

Comments on: "Thanksgiving Project – Too much of a good thing" (5)

  1. I think everyone overdoes the food on a vacation or switch from routine.

  2. Sounds like a yummy trip. Indulging once in a while is a good thing;) – my opinion. Doesn’t hurt being taken care of 🙂

  3. Oh yum!

  4. Oh I pressed post comment too soon. Just pass me those crab cakes and that chocolate lava cake you didn’t want 😛

  5. I can’t resist the food when we go away. I just have to try it to “see” if it’s good, (right?)

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